Team 3309 instills safety as a shared value, creating a ‘culture of safety’ by integrating concepts into every facet of fabrication, training, and design. Team 3309’s safety program ensures all members and mentors know the safety rules that come into play during meetings, regionals, and events.
In such a technical program as robotics, Team 3309 facilities include a full wood shop, practice field, computer laboratory and machine shop. Our facility is utilized to support the manufacture, construction, integration and test of parts, assemblies and completed robot vehicles. Since Team 3309 is modeled on a modern engineering and manufacturing company, safety is an integral part of team operations.
Safety Goals
Team 3309 achieves the goal of a culture of safety through 3 key objectives:
- Ensuring injury-free participation during training, fabrication, testing and competitions
- Motivating participants to learn and follow safe individual and group practices
- Teaching safety as a life skill using a positive coaching approach.
Team members are trained to ensure injury-free participation through various classes and examinations. In order for all members to learn the safety rules and procedures of our facility, FIRST regionals, and FIRST events, every member must go through the FIRST safety basics training course. The sum total of safety training includes
- FIRST Safety Training (presented by the team Safety Captain)
- Shop Safety Training (presented by the Lead Mentor)
- Team members complete a safety quiz to demonstrate knowledge
- A Toolbox Fabrication project taught by a mentor in which safety principles are taught with every step of the process
- A First Aid/CPR Survey which helped us identify trained individuals within our team. From this survey we learned that most team members, mentors and parents would be interested in taking a CPR class if our team offered one. Team 3309 is exploring this opportunity for the 2020 off-season.
Safety Processes and Supervision
Everyday safety is ensured by team accountability to each other as well as by regular safety inspections carried out by the Safety Captain and his/her team. In addition, when students assist with outreach activities such as Summer Robotics Camp, they are trained in safe practices so that they can train the campers, in turn, on proper equipment usage. Summer Camp Robotics student assistants are supervised by adults during the camp to ensure proper training and assistance.
Safety Equipment
Personal Protective Equipment is available at team facilities and in the pit at competitions and FIRST events. Equipment includes
- Safety goggles
- Hair ties and bobby pins
- Ear protection
- Protective gloves
- Special safety supplies and equipment are available for specialized jobs such as welding and powder coating.
Safety Equipment and Supplies are available in each facility area and in the pit at competitions and FIRST events. They include
- First Aid kits
- Fire extinguishers
- Battery Spill Kit (brought to all competitions)
- Safety Mats in the Wood Shop and Machine Shop
- Signage is posted throughout facilities
- Safety Data Sheets (linked on this web site)
- 2020 FIRST Safety Manual
- Team 3309 Safety History
- Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
- Fire Extinguisher Tutorial
- Battery Spill Tutorial